As with the severity enumeration described in the previous section, it would be more convenient to have the state group and state name information in the same data set as the work item information. 有了前面章节中提到过的严重性枚举,在与工作项信息相同的数据集中拥有状态组和状态名信息就更加方便了。
The input of the network group is a data set of a period of time from a temperature measuring point. 网络组的输入是定子测温系统提供的每一个测点的一段时间的温度变化过程的数据集。
Lie Group Method for Data Set Registration Problem with Anisotropic Scale Deformation 含各向异性尺度形变数据集匹配问题的Lie群方法
A user, group, or DASD data set that is defined to RACF. 在资源存取控制软件(RACF)中定义的一个用户、一组用户或者磁盘(DASD)数据集。
After six months of discussion and planning, our Working Group on Open Bibliographic Data has formulated a set of principles to help producers of data publish in a truly open way. 经过半年多的讨论和规划内,我们工作组的公开书目数据已制定了一套原则,以帮助生产商公布的数据在一个真正开放的方式。
Based on Lagrange expressions, group of approximative Lagrange fitted curve is worked out by picking out three pairs of data, one pair of them can be set and modify according to experiment data for sake of precision. 这一算法基于拉格朗日公式的,并选取3个点作近似的拉格朗日曲线拟合,其中一个点可根据实验数据人为设置及调整,从而得到精确的拟合曲线。
First, the subtraction clustering method based on the mountain function is used to obtain group data such that training efficiency is greatly improved. Then, the local fuzzy logic models are respectively set up. 该模型采用基于山峰函数的减法聚类算法,将样本数据集分成多组来进行局部模糊模型的建立和训练,大大提高了组合模糊逻辑模型的训练效率。
, primary keys retrieval of dispersed points, group data ( data matrix or pieces of data set) retrieval, and logical expression retrieval with Secondary keys. 成组数据(数据矩阵或数据块)检索以及按次关键字的逻辑表达式检索。
At first, summarized the contents that a group of good data mining primitives should include. Then, set forth all kinds of grammars of data mining query language ( DMQL) in detail. 文章首先总结了一组好的数据挖掘原语应该包括的内容,然后详细阐述了一种数据挖掘查询语言(DMQL)的各种语法,最后给出了一个实例。
Further more, this paper discussed the problems of designing and learning neural networks and the way to organize a group of measured data into a sample set for model training. 研究了模型的设计、利用观测数据建立网络结构训练样本集以及网络学习等问题;
Firstly, the mathematic model of unusual dada group was founded from the mathematic description of measuring data set, then, a robust likelihood ratio method for identifying unusual data was introduced on the basis of analyzing the shortages of the least square estimation. 文中首先从测量数据集合的数学描述引出了异值斑点的数学模型,然后在对最小二乘估计法存在的缺陷进行分析的基础上提出了鲁棒辨识异值斑点方法-稳健似然比法。
Choosing one group of the data in the Pareto set, the comparative analysis between the mathematic model and the kinematic simulation model was attained. The results show the design method is a practical tool for the optimization design of the multi-link suspension. 在Pareto最优解集中选取一组数据,与优化前的模型作了对比分析,结果显示出:该方法对于多连杆悬架的优化设计有明显的效果,为多连杆悬架的设计提供了理论依据。
In essence, the data clustering algorithm is to group the data the data set, making data within the same group as similar as possible and within the different group as different as possible. 聚类算法实质是将数据集中的数据进行分组,使得同一组内的数据尽可能相似而不同组内的数据尽可能不同。
Time series is a data series which is tightly related to time sequence. Time series analysis is using statistical method to analysis this group of data set in order to find its pattern or to predict its future trend. 时间序列是与时间顺序相关的一系列数据序列,时间序列分析就是利用这组数据序列,应用数理统计方法对其进行处理以分析其历史数据模式,或者应用该模式预测未来数据序列的发展。